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Latest ChamSys News & Events!

ChamSys Unleashes The Power of Choice at LDI With New MagicQ Compact Wing and GeNetix TouchScene

SOUTHAMPTON, UK – The Power Of Choice! Psychologists, motivational experts, and the like have dispensed reams of advice on how to embrace this potent force in our lives. Now, ChamSys has made it simpler to channel thi…
Juli 16, 2018
ChamSys new Croatian distributor, LAV Studio d.o.o. organised their first ever training on ChamSys consoles for local professionals. After recently becoming a distribut…
Juli 12, 2018
USITT promises to be a busy show for ChamSys. ChamSys will not only be exhibiting at the show, but also hosting a range of training courses suitable for all abilities both…
Juli 12, 2018
ChamSys will once again be exhibiting at and running free training at PLASA Focus Leeds 1-2nd May 2018.  ChamSys ever popular 1 hour training during the show will be runni…
Mai 3, 2018
MORRISON, CO – It isn’t often that a rock star coming off three successive Billboard Top Ten albums takes time before a big show to hold a yoga class, but then Michael Fran…

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