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Touring / Konzerte

Eine Tournee bedeutet oft eine Anpassung an die sich ändernden Bedingungen an jedem neuen Veranstaltungsor

Touring / Konzerte

Eine Tournee bedeutet oft eine Anpassung an die sich ändernden Bedingungen an jedem neuen Veranstaltungsort. Ganz gleich, ob es sich um kleine, aber wichtige Änderungen der physischen Abstände zwischen den Riggs handelt, ob man an einigen Orten mehr Beleuchtungskörper als an anderen verwendet, oder ob man die Handlung tatsächlich an das anpasst, was am Veranstaltungsort hängt – man hat alle Hände voll zu tun. Bringen Sie das Pult mit, das der Herausforderung gewachsen ist und dazu beiträgt, die Abläufe dieser komplizierten Technik zu vereinfachen.

ChamSys kennt diesen Prozess, denn MagicQ wurde von Leuten entwickelt, die auch als Lichtdesigner und Programmierer tätig waren.Ihre Erkenntnisse darüber, wie die täglichen Anpassungen reibungslos ablaufen, basieren auf Erfahrungen aus der realen Welt. Das ist es, was MagicQ zum ultimativen Touring-Pult macht.

Die Unterstützung des Lighting Directors/Operators bei der Bewältigung dieser Art von Beleuchtungsproblemen ist das Kernstück der Designphilosophie, die hinter MagicQ steht. So können Sie die Konsolen mit erweiterten Funktionen wie Morphing, Cloning, Patch-Offsetting und natürlich einem Workflow, der die Vorteile von Paletten, Gruppen und FX-Engines voll ausschöpft, auf die Straße bringen.


“The networking on the MQ500 was critically important. I used it to grab a number of values from the festival console and grab things like position palettes to speed up the process. I am always amazed by how easy this is to do on the MQ500.”
– Davey Taylor, Empire Of The Sun

“The MQ500 is the finest console available for this application. When you need to busk something, or find a look in the programmer and seamlessly integrate it into a programmed show, there is no faster professional console than the MQ500.”

– Neil Marsh, Above & Beyond
    “The networking on the MQ500 was critically important. I used it to grab a number of values from the festival console and grab things like position palettes to speed up the process. I am always amazed by how easy this is to do on the MQ500.”
    – Davey Taylor, Empire Of The Sun

    “The MQ500 is the finest console available for this application. When you need to busk something, or find a look in the programmer and seamlessly integrate it into a programmed show, there is no faster professional console than the MQ500.”

    – Neil Marsh, Above & Beyond

      Console features Relating to Touring / Konzerte

      Head Cloning

      Above & Beyond’s performance overflows with hope and inspiration, qualities that are reflected in their tour’s uplifting Neil Marsh-designed lightshow. Running his 48-universe show with a ChamSys MagicQ MQ500 Stadium, Marsh creates a stunning video and light panorama that sweeps audiences up into a shared Above & Beyond experience.


      Patch Offsetting is the feature you need if you have to rotate your moving heads to fit them into the space, or if someone accidentally reorients one during a changeover. It allows offsets to the positioning data that determines aiming angles for moving yokes, such as a 90 degree clockwise rotation. Put this information into the console in one location and watch your whole show be updated accordingly. It’s an almost effortless way to get the show back in shape when the plot twists.


      Morphing enables changing from one instrument type to another. MagicQ automatically transfers the programming from the old head type to the new type. This can include position, color, intensity and beam attributes, and will then updates all palettes and cues accordingly. In the worst case scenario, you’re getting a big head start, and in the best you may be done after pressing just a few buttons to tell the console how to do all that work for you. Either way it’s a win, and makes day of show adapting to the local fixtures a realistic approach.

      Neil Marsh Runs Uplifting Above & Beyond Tour With ChamSys MagicQ MQ500

      Above & Beyond’s performance overflows with hope and inspiration, qualities that are reflected in their tour’s uplifting Neil Marsh-designed lightshow. Running his 48-universe show with a ChamSys MagicQ MQ500 Stadium, Marsh creates a stunning video and light panorama that sweeps audiences up into a shared Above & Beyond experience.